
Jacopo Fo English Blog

Come to Alcatraz Independent University



We have already talked about relaxation on page 93 and the balloon method on page 43. I want to add here that the relaxation technique "of the balloon¹ leads us to an area of research of new therapeutic methods. An example of this is the support therapy that Vezio Ruggieri, who is professor at the Faculty of Psychology in Rome, works on. The basic idea is that there is an attitude of "being on pins and needles", "being seated on the edge of the chair" or "living on the tips of your toes" at the basis of unconscious contractions. Something that we may call "upward pressure" or "to be suspended" or "not to rest completely on one¹s own feet". A bit like walking with a little stone inside your shoe.
To apply the balloon technique to one's whole body, "to feel well supported" inside oneself and on surfaces, lying down or seated, listening to the steady flow of the points of support while one walks, seems precisely an effective approach to self-therapy. And this takes us back to the importance of "self-image", of how we think about ourse lves.
To discover the positive image of ourselves, our being a vital speck of the cosmic miracle, is the first small change that gives us the key to begin this fantastic exploration into the mystery of our existence.


We have already talked about this formidable technique of self-cure in the chapter that deals with the 3rd key.


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